Edukasi Statistik

International Public Lecture: "Artificial vs Real Intelligence"


International Public Lecture The Statistics Study Program, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Riau, invites all students to attend: 🎓 International Public Lecture: "Artificial vs Real Intelligence" 🎓 With Dr. Arief Gusnanto from the University of Leeds, an expert speaker who will explore the fascinating topic of artificial intelligence versus real intelligence. Discover the differences, challenges, and opportunities presented by today's technology-driven era! Date: Friday, November 15, 2024 Time: 14.00 WIB until completion Venue: Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 852 4057 5797 Passcode: 455502 ✨ Don't miss out! This lecture offers deep insights and a valuable opportunity for direct discussion with a renowned expert. Enrich your academic and professional journey with this experience! Benefits of Attending: Gain New Insights: Deepen your understanding of AI technology and how it compares to human intelligence. Networking Opportunities: Connect with experts and peers who share an interest in cutting-edge topics. Inspiration for Research and Projects: Get fresh ideas and perspectives that may spark new academic or career pursuits. Certificate of Attendance: Participants will receive a certificate to enhance their academic portfolio. Register through this link:

Pembangunan Statistik bagi Instansi Pemerintah dan Masyarakat
Jumat, 15 Nov 2024
14:00 WIB

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